Havanese Puppies
We currently have 7 Havanese puppies that are available for adoption. We have 2 females and 5 males.
They are all very sweet and have been socialized with our 4 kids, other dogs, and our cat. Give us a call at 850-768-4477 if you are interested.
Looking to adopt a Javanese. I am retired. My Javanese, Sophie recently passed away. I am anxious to have a fur baby to be my best friend. Do you still have any of the puppies available. I live in Rockledge Florida, central east coast
Hi Virginia,
We are very sorry to hear about the loss of your girl Sophie. We do have a few left and are headed down to Lake City to deliver some on Wednesday. Cupcake, Kisses, and Cadbury are still available. You can call us at 850-768-4477.
We were interested in a havanese puppy & wondering if y’all will have any this year ?
I contacted you about the Havanese puppies couple of weeks ago. You said you should have another liter in summer I think. Can you tell me a more of time frame? And if I want get on list how that works? And how much are they? Thank you so much!!
Hi Leslie,
We expect our next litter at the end of May or beginning of June. Our puppies are 2,500 for limited registration (not for breeding) or 3,000 for full registration (for breeding). You can call us at 850-768-4477 if you would like to get on the list.
Do you have puppies left? Website shows 4. Would like more info
Hi Kevin. Unfortunately, we don’t have any puppies at this time. We expect our next litter at the end of May/ Beginning of June. You can give us a call at 768-4477 if you have any other questions.
Hello, I am looking to give my ex wife a puppy due to the fact that we just lost her Heeler named Arcade and Retriever Mix named Freckles all in the past three months. She has never been without a child or a pet in the house. I typed in Heeler and your website was first to pop up so I thought I would give you all a try and see if you had any puppies for adoption? I live in Enterprise Alabama and am a Retired Military contractor.